There are two things I love this morning, not counting my dog, children and husband. But I feel I need to write about teachers today. This morning Sandor (who is 8) got into the car with a Tupperware full of the most disturbing, wretched mixture of egg, dog food, milk, curry power, flower, mushrooms, peanut butter, green food coloring, Crisco, the list goes on and on. If Big Foot ate a coyote then threw up in a plastic bucket it might look like this mixture. But this grossness is a homework assignment. Sandor has a great teacher who told the kids to make a disgusting mixture of food stuff, the only catch, they had to carefully measure everything they put in the bucket. So my boy spent almost an hour carefully figuring out 1/3 cups, 3/4 cups, teaspoons and tablespoons. He measured every vile ingredient he added to the mixture. This morning the teacher will judge all the horrendous concoctions and kids will win prizes for most disgusting texture, smell and color. So today I want to say thank you to the teachers who use their imagination to inspire our children to learn. Kudos to the teachers willing to deal with containers full or horror in the name of education.
That is awesome! I can't wait to hear the results!