If you need to be entertained for a minute go check out the Abercrombie and Fitch web page. It's too much fun because the models on the home page are super pretty and almost naked with skin as smooth as a water balloon. The page doesn't make me want to buy their clothes but it does make me think about shaving my husband's chest. Hairless, like a seal pup, looks pretty good on Abercrombie guys. Then go look at the jeans, men or women. They only show the jeans and the beautiful bellies of their models. No arms or faces.Holy cow, those are some crazy looking torsos. Again, hairless to the extreme.If you check out the yoga pants it's the same deal, except the models have extreme abs and cherry bomb butts.I think these girls had the perfect buts before they bought the yoga pants. But if their yoga pants can make my butt look like a perfect honeydew melon, I might need some. The great thing is, after looking at their page I don't want their clothes or their models, I just want to look and laugh. Here's the link. Have fun! http://www.abercrombie.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreView?storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10901
Maybe those models can use their modeling money and go buy a cheeseburger!